Navigating twin flame relationships is tricky. Make sure the one most qualified for the job takes the lead to keep it moving.
Twin flames are supposed to guide and support one another down a spiritual path to create better versions of themselves. While that sounds good on paper, it’s not what always happens.
The problem starts when one twin flame deviates from their spiritual path. The other partner should stay the course, but more often than not, they don’t. It’s the domino effect. One bad behavior not corrected sets off a chain reaction. Bad behaviors become bad patterns, and lead to unhealthy relationship dynamics.
Unless you’re one of the lucky ones, your twin flame may try to take you down the wrong path. If you’re not on the same path, or at the same place on the path, there will of course be resistance.
One of your will want want to go in one direction. But the other wants to go the opposite way. This sets the stage to where the relationship is headed.
Countless clients a day ask us the question “Where is my twin flame relationship headed?” The answer is really up to the two of you. Which one of you will be the guide and who will be the follower? Because if you allow the person who needs the guidance to lead, there’s only one place your relationship is going to go. And unfortunately, that’s right off a cliff.
Remaining on a spiritual path keeps the relationship respectful and balanced.
Because of baggage from past relationships quite often history repeats itself. The patterns of behavior within past traumatic relationships find their way into present relationships.
Does your twin flame have insecurity issues? Do they have a history of failed relationships or have family relationship issues? Have they just come out of a really toxic, dysfunctional relationship?
If the answer is yes, to any of those questions, why on earth should they be the guide? Obviously they have barely, if any, healthy relationship experience or skills. Hoping they will navigate the relationship anywhere positive is really risky. So why even take the risk in the first place?
If you’re the one who knows what healthy relationships should be like, then take the lead and be the guide. You will encounter resistance, so prepare yourself. One of you will win and it better be you.
Enabling or excusing bad behavior disrespects your twin flame connection. And it’s not following your spiritual path. Allowing mistreatment, and not enforcing boundaries, show you have lost faith as well. How can you be on a spiritual path without faith? You can’t.
Your twin flame lost their faith. That’s why they test the connection and use it against you. They have turned something pure into something toxic. Will you do the same?
You will have to fight for what you know is right and what you deserve. So don’t wait too long to take the reins either. Grab them right away, and be willing to take the wheel, if you feel the relationship is going off course. Trust yourself and your instincts. They’re there to help you navigate twin flame relationships. But they won’t intervene and do all the work for you. Set high standards, and ensure the two of you adhere to them.
So how/when should you step in and take control?
You will get an uneasy feeling when something isn’t in alignment with your soul. When you get that feeling, don’t be afraid to speak up and create boundaries. And you must also be ready to enforce them. That may sound scary, but if you want a healthy relationship you have to do it.
The work you put into navigating the relationship properly has a payoff at the end.
You will have a fabulous, supportive, healthy relationship. Both of you will be on the same page and your bond will be stronger than ever. That makes all the work worth it.
If you wait and let your twin flame be the guide, at some point, you will be the one resisting. Sadly, if you wait too long they will do too much damage. (And trust will go out the window.) Then bad relationship patterns will be deeply ingrained in your relationship.
The damage will be immeasurable and seem insurmountable. Now the work you have to do to untangle the huge mess you both made will seem impossible. It can take years to undo that level of damage. And sometimes the damage is irreparable.
Don’t be afraid to navigate your twin flame relationship if you’re the one most qualified for the job. Take charge for both of you. Because in the end, you’ll be doing you both a huge favor.
Need help navigating your twin flame journey? Contact twin flame coaches Sarah and Sophia.