Are you dwelling too much on your twin flame?
When a twin flame enters your life, it’s hard not to dwell on them. Suddenly, they’re the center of your universe and the only person you want to talk to or hang out with.
When twin flames meet no one else in the world exists. The pull between the souls is strong, but when you add the intensity of emotion, it’s a whole new experience.
There’s a positive and negative side to dwelling on your twin flame or soulmate. At first, it can be exhilarating, so enjoy that part.
Since so many twin flames go through a period of separation, dwelling will go in another direction entirely. When you separate, even for a short time, it can be debilitating. It’s like your right arm was cut off because they’re such a part of you, and now that part is are missing.
Perhaps they’re not around right now because of a job change or family illness. If so, try not to dwell too much. The universe is giving you time apart to get yourself in check. Their reason for not being around is logical and necessary.
Crying and acting as if your life is over is not what you’re supposed to be doing. Dwelling like that is unhealthy, especially because you don’t have a good reason. Sure, you can miss them, but your life shouldn’t be falling apart. On the contrary, you should be building it up.
If you really believe this person is your twin flame, then have some faith in that. Get caught up on other things in your life so you can spend more time with them when they get back.
When twin flames are apart, it’s a test of sorts. If you dwell too much and fall apart, the relationship can fall apart. You don’t want that.
Don’t dwell on how sad you are because they’re not around you right now. Remind yourself that they need to do this and be supportive. Remind yourself how good it will be when you talk and see one another, and how you will make the most of that. Rise to the challenge instead of falling to pieces.
If your twin flame ends the relationship, you can allow yourself to dwell, but not indefinitely. When a twin flame relationship ends, it can be devastating. This is not an excuse to check out of life.
They hurt you by leaving, don’t hurt yourself further by constantly grieving.
Dwelling is ok at first, but at a certain point you have to dust yourself off and get on with your life.
It will be hard to break the cycle of thoughts and behaviors while you’re dwelling too much on your twin flame break-up. It won’t be easy, but you have to allow other things into your life and mind. It’s time to pick up the pieces of your life and become a bigger part of it. Start in zombie mode if you have to. Just fake it until you make it.
Eventually, even though your twin flame will still have a piece of your heart, you will also find joy and happiness in other things. If/when they come return, you can deal with them again.
Don’t put yourself through the grieving process too long. You want to be a whole person if/when they come back or, if you choose, for someone new who can enter your life.
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