A soul connection with another person does not automatically mean it’s a romantic twin flame relationship.
You will have soul connections to many people in your life. One can have a soul connection to friends, co-workers, family members and of course romantic partners.
A soul connection is not a fated or predestined encounter. But still they’re important to the evolution of our souls.
All twin flame relationships have a sense of fate and destiny. Spiritual partners preordain and contract these partnerships before being born. You may have a soul connection with someone, but they may not be a twin flame. They may be a soulmate or a false twin flame, even a karmic. They’re still very important for the evolution of your soul as they most surely provide opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
Soul connections feel electrifying. You immediately just click and feel a deep bond with the other person. Problems and issues you need to address will be highlighted and brought to the surface, so you can address them.
This of course is very similar to lessons in twin flame relationships. Sometimes these lessons will be difficult. Just because the connection is strong, it will not advance it to spiritual partnership status.
Please bear in mind not all soul connections, or all spiritually connected relationships for that matter, will be difficult. Sometimes they will be easy. And the corresponding life lessons will be easy as well.
Also just because we have a difficult relationship with someone, doesn’t automatically imply we have a soul connection to them. The level of difficulty in these spiritual pairings is not decided by the universe.
The responsibility lies with each partner’s ability to rise, not fall, to the challenges set before them. The choices we make decide the level of difficulty we encounter in these relationships.
This is how many people justify staying in a dysfunctional relationship. Knowing they have a soul connection they believe they must suffer for that relationship. But sometimes a duck is just a duck.
So don’t allow yourself to get caught in the trap of allowing your romantic partner to mistreat you just because you believe it’s a soul connection. There seems to be a collective mentality these days that separation, anxiety, mistreatment and drama are part and parcel of a spiritually connected relationship.
There are many twin flames that never separate. Again, it’s the choice of the two people who create the problems and issues.
So many times we hear how people are suffering in their relationships. More often than not it’s because the other person refuses acknowledge their connection. So just because you believe there’s a soul connection doesn’t mean they will. Explaining it to them will be a waste of time. They are not open to hearing or accepting it. More than likely, they the will dig their heels in and deny it even more.
There may be times when both of you will not be able to honor the connection. There will be instances when only one of you may feel it or be aware of it. If the other party refuses to accept it, there’s really nothing you can do about it but drop it for now.
And while that may be difficult, it’s the lesson that is important. There is a lesson for both parties here, one to accept the soul connection, and both to have faith in the connection.
These soul connections can be energetically intense.
And at times the other party may decide to move on because they can’t handle the energetic imprint. When this happens it’s very important to focus on yourself rather than allow yourself to get stuck in a cycle of obsession. Look at what they brought into your life.
Were they a catalyst for change? Did you modify some aspect of yourself as a result of having them in your life? Are you doing different things than you did before you met them?
A soul connection may not stay in our lives for a lifetime. So we should be grateful of what they have given us and allow them to move on. Even if they return at a later date, it’s important to acknowledge these lessons now.
It’s important to consider that you must work on your own issues through this connection. It’s not your responsibility to show your partner all their faults and weaknesses so they can address them. Always remember to work on yourself first. They will work on themselves when they are ready to.
By focusing on yourself you’re honoring your sacred contract and doing what you’re supposed to do.
A soul connection is karmic in nature and you will become a better person as a result of it. It may not be all sunshine and roses while you address the things within yourself. But on the other side of it you will have evolved and grown both spiritually and personally.
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