Afraid of losing a twin flame? It’s easy to see why one would fear losing their spiritual partner.
Your twin flame relationship can either make you fearless, or very afraid. If your partner is coming from a place of fear, they will transfer that same fear to you.
We consider this because the couple mirror and reflect to each other. Of course you will have different fears and different reactions to those fears.
More than likely, if your twin flame is bringing fear into the relationship it will manifest within you as well. Here is an example of what we are talking about:
Let’s say your spiritual counterpart has been through a traumatic relationship prior to being with you. Although you are nothing like their past partner, they may see relationships as mostly negative. They may feel showing real emotion is a weakness.
When you first meet they’re open. They share their feelings with you and make you feel loved and comfortable. You both speak of a future together in glowing, positive ways. They feel so happy to have you in their life and in turn have made you happy as well. You and your twin flame are on the same page. You both embrace your deep, meaningful connection.
But they begin to dwell on their past relationships. They begin to fear that although your relationship is magical, what if it turns sour like their last relationship?
Here comes the fear!
They become genuinely afraid of how hurt they will be if this relationship takes a downward turn. Because they’re afraid of losing you, they withdraw, either emotionally or physically. They start to tell themselves they need space from you in order to remain in control.
Now you have no idea what is going on internally with your soulmate or twin flame. All you know is everything was going great but now they’re acting like a different person. You go through every conversation, text, and email wondering what you did wrong. And your imagination takes over and you begin to think “Did they find someone else?”.
You let fear take root. And then it takes over your imagination. You begin to wonder if it was all an act on your their part. Did they ever really care? Was it all in your head? Is this just a game to them? Now you get argumentative or easily angered when you speak to them. You’re both afraid of losing one another at this point. The problem is, neither of you are handling it well.
If you don’t find a healthy, honest way of communicating this with each other, it might just happen. Since both of you are fearful you’re not making the best choices going forward. Without an open, transparent discussion to clear the air, the seeds of fear with only grow.
Another problem is fear breeds lies.
Instead of telling the truth, you speak lies. If your twin flame isn’t ready to deal with their fear of losing you, they won’t express the truth. Instead they will lie, or make up excuses, rather than let you know their deepest fear.
You may also not be willing to express you’re afraid of losing them. Lies or excuses prevent a couple from putting their fears to rest. Until they deal with their fear it will only get bigger.
So until your twin flame is ready to be honest with the real reason why they are screwing things up, you will only hear untruths. Don’t dwell on their excuses and lies like they want you to.
If you find yourself in a place where you have become afraid of losing your twin flame, don’t panic. Don’t react emotionally just yet. You need to focus on your faith in your spiritual connection. When you find yourself succumbing to fear, you need to remember your faith. Doing so can prevent your insecurities from building before you make a costly mistake.
I have been so afraid of losing my soulmate. We break up all the time for the littlest things!